Sample Room 1

Sample Room 1

KLS Corporation is one of the fastest growing distributors of electronic components in the world.
For the past several years, KLS has been the #1 ranked electronic component distributor in china for Overall Most Preferred Distributor. This is an unprecedented achievement in electronic distribution. These ratings are based on industry surveys in which customers rate distributors' services on factors such as availability of product, speed of service, responsiveness to problems, pricing, and more.

Our top rankings in so many categories prove we are customer-driven. Our service and support systems have been specifically designed to respond to the needs of our customers. These systems are continually reviewed and modified to respond to changes as we work to achieve the "ultimate" level of customer service.

KLS is unique in many ways that translate into better service for you, our customers.

Authorized Distribution
KLS is an authorized distributor of electronic components for more than 100 industry-leading suppliers. This means KLS customers can rest assured that the product they order is authentic and comes to KLS directly from the manufacturer.
Breadth of Product
At any given time, more than 150,000 products are in stock and ready to be shipped from KLS’s in Ningbo, China.

Battery Connectors

Battery Connectors

IDC SocketsMicro matchs

IDC Sockets*Micro matchs

Box Headers

Box Headers

SIM CardsTF CardsSD Cards

SIM Cards*TF Cards*SD Cards

IC SocketsPLCC SocketsZif Sockets

IC Sockets*PLCC Sockets*Zif Sockets

D-SubSCSI and Centronic ConnectorsD-SUB Hoods

D-Sub*SCSI and Centronic Connectors*D-SUB Hoods

Pin HeadersMini Jumpers

Pin Headers*Mini Jumpers

Female Headers

Female Headers

Wire To Board ConnectorsWire To Wire Connectors

Wire To Board Connectors*Wire To Wire Connectors

AC Power SocketsAC PlugsDIN41612 Connectors

AC Power Sockets*AC Plugs*DIN41612 Connectors

FFCFPC Connectors

FFC/FPC Connectors

FFCFPC Connectors

RF Connectors

AudioVideo Connectors

Audio*Video Connectors

AudioVideo Connectors-2

Audio*Video Connectors

Terminal Blocks

Terminal Blocks

Terminal Blocks-2

Terminal Blocks

Terminal Blocks-3

Terminal Blocks

Ethernet Connectors

Ethernet Connectors

Ethernet Connectors-2

Ethernet Connectors

Glass fuseCeramic fuse for 3.6x10mm 5x20mm 6.3x30mm size

Glass fuse*Ceramic fuse for 3.6x10mm 5x20mm 6.3x30mm size

Glass fuseCeramic fuse for 3.6x10mm 5x20mm 6.3x30mm size (2)

Glass fuse*Ceramic fuse for 3.6x10mm 5x20mm 6.3x30mm size

Glass fuse holderCeramic fuse holder for 3.6x10mm 5x20mm 6.3x30mm fuse

Glass fuse holder*Ceramic fuse holder for 3.6x10mm 5x20mm 6.3x30mm fuse


Glass fuse holder*Ceramic fuse holder for 3.6x10mm 5x20mm 6.3x30mm fuse


Thermal Fuses


PTC Resettable Fuses


Rocker switch*Micro switch


Dip switch* Push switch


Slide switch

KLS Corporation is one of the fastest growing distributors of electronic components in the world.
For the past several years, KLS has been the #1 ranked electronic component distributor in china for Overall Most Preferred Distributor. This is an unprecedented achievement in electronic distribution. These ratings are based on industry surveys in which customers rate distributors' services on factors such as availability of product, speed of service, responsiveness to problems, pricing, and more.

Our top rankings in so many categories prove we are customer-driven. Our service and support systems have been specifically designed to respond to the needs of our customers. These systems are continually reviewed and modified to respond to changes as we work to achieve the "ultimate" level of customer service.

KLS is unique in many ways that translate into better service for you, our customers.

Authorized Distribution
KLS is an authorized distributor of electronic components for more than 100 industry-leading suppliers. This means KLS customers can rest assured that the product they order is authentic and comes to KLS directly from the manufacturer.
Breadth of Product
At any given time, more than 150,000 products are in stock and ready to be shipped from KLS’s in Ningbo, China.

Battery Connectors

Battery Connectors

IDC SocketsMicro matchs

IDC Sockets*Micro matchs

Box Headers

Box Headers

SIM CardsTF CardsSD Cards

SIM Cards*TF Cards*SD Cards

IC SocketsPLCC SocketsZif Sockets

IC Sockets*PLCC Sockets*Zif Sockets

D-SubSCSI and Centronic ConnectorsD-SUB Hoods

D-Sub*SCSI and Centronic Connectors*D-SUB Hoods

Pin HeadersMini Jumpers

Pin Headers*Mini Jumpers

Female Headers

Female Headers

Wire To Board ConnectorsWire To Wire Connectors

Wire To Board Connectors*Wire To Wire Connectors

AC Power SocketsAC PlugsDIN41612 Connectors

AC Power Sockets*AC Plugs*DIN41612 Connectors

FFCFPC Connectors

FFC/FPC Connectors

FFCFPC Connectors

RF Connectors

AudioVideo Connectors

Audio*Video Connectors

AudioVideo Connectors-2

Audio*Video Connectors

Terminal Blocks

Terminal Blocks

Terminal Blocks-2

Terminal Blocks

Terminal Blocks-3

Terminal Blocks

Ethernet Connectors

Ethernet Connectors

Ethernet Connectors-2

Ethernet Connectors

Glass fuseCeramic fuse for 3.6x10mm 5x20mm 6.3x30mm size

Glass fuse*Ceramic fuse for 3.6x10mm 5x20mm 6.3x30mm size

Glass fuseCeramic fuse for 3.6x10mm 5x20mm 6.3x30mm size (2)

Glass fuse*Ceramic fuse for 3.6x10mm 5x20mm 6.3x30mm size

Glass fuse holderCeramic fuse holder for 3.6x10mm 5x20mm 6.3x30mm fuse

Glass fuse holder*Ceramic fuse holder for 3.6x10mm 5x20mm 6.3x30mm fuse


Glass fuse holder*Ceramic fuse holder for 3.6x10mm 5x20mm 6.3x30mm fuse


Thermal Fuses


PTC Resettable Fuses


Rocker switch*Micro switch


Dip switch* Push switch


Slide switch